Hey followers! I have made a new blog if you would like to follow it.
It's called alanagetshealthy the main focus will be me getting healthier, eating better, exercising etc but I will be doing beauty, fashion and lifestyle posts as well.
I won't be updating this blog anymore I'm afraid.
It will be mainly health and fitness related but as I get fitter and more confident some fashion and beauty posts might creep in ;)
I'll keep this blog open for now but can't see me using it much as I need to focus on my health first and then beauty etc.
I'm now thinking about starting a completely new blog on health, fitness, etc. Forever changing my mind! I think I will. Now to just decide whether to stick with the blogspot platform or use wordpress or something else!
So my last update was a few days before Christmas. I feel like I've given up on beauty blogging if I'm honest.
I don't have the money to buy new products to test them out and write about which annoys me no end but I can't really do much about that. I can do a couple posts of things I got at Christmas and such but apart from that, I think I've already shown you everything I have.
Also since Dec 31st, I've been trying to life a healthier life. I'm watching what I eat, I'm exercising more, I'm being more positive and I quit smoking!!
So I've lost 10.8lbs since Dec 31st and I'm now on day 36 of not smoking.
Because of this new healthy lifestyle, I was thinking about maybe trying to incorporate that into this blog. Maybe posting recipes, foods I've made, things I don't like, exercises I do etc.
I'm hoping that as I lose more weight and tone up that I might have some money spare to get myself a few beauty bits and bobs but until then, I'm afraid you all have to just listen to me ramble on about a new vegetable I've tried or what certain exercises have done to me.